M3 Integrated Learning Project

This year we are running a number of integrated learning projects in M3. Several subjects will collaborate around a central theme to provide context driven applied learning.

Integrated multidisciplinary learning has been shown to have many benefits for students such as real world relevance and a greater holistic understanding of specific topics. This relevance helps students see the practical applications of their learning and enhances their understanding of how different disciplines intersect in the real world.

Integrated projects also allow students to develop transferable skills that are applicable across various contexts. These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and adaptability. Such skills are highly valued in college, careers, and everyday life.

The first project of the semester is based around rollercoasters. Students have designed and built their own roller coasters.

They have applied mathematical statements using inequalities and radical expressions. In science they have investigated velocity, momentum and motion graphs.

They have developed their English skills by writing introductory and descriptive paragraphs and presenting their ideas to the group.

Finally in computer class they have brought their ideas together on Canva to create a final poster that will be graded by all subject teachers.

Credit: Kru David Ryder


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