World Scholars Cup

The World Scholar’s Cup (WSC)  is an international team academic program with students participating from over 82 countries. Each World Scholar’s Cup Regional Round consists of four main events: the Scholar’s Challenge, Collaborative Writing, The Team Debate, and the Scholar’s Bowl. 

World Scholar’s Cup club allows students to apply knowledge and skills to a variety of complex questions and tasks. Teachers from every department supported and trained students for this event.

In the last event, students investigated rocket and moonshot science, analyzed conspiracy theories and what causes people to believe unlikely stories. They explored the role of literature in a world that is increasingly dependent upon technology and how content is best addressed by certain text types. Students explored the context in which art and music texts were created by artists and received by audiences and examined how our knowledge of the past can help us to predict and better prepare for coming events in the future. Students also explored the role of mythology in our modern world.

Panyarat High School won numerous silver and gold medals in both individual and team competitions at the Bangkok Round, Hanoi Global Round and Tournament of Champions at Yale University.

This year’s Theme 2023: Reconstructing the Past, will allow students to learn a set curriculum that cover areas related to Science & Technology, Social Studies, History, Art & Music, Literature & Media. 

The World Scholar’s Cup looks to practice after school for 3 days a week for 2 hours each session and for 4 hours a day for 3 days after final exams.

Click here to register. Registration ends Monday Feb. 6