M.4 Sustainable Development Studies

As part of their studies on Sustainable Development, the M4 Math English Class have been studying the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Through this course, they have investigated the causes and impacts of the issues and looked into others actions at different levels. The students also had to contribute in their own way. Finally they are asked to educate others of the importance of the issues and UN goals.

To support UNSDG Goal 2 – Zero Hunger, the students promoted the World Food Programs Freerice game. To do this, they advertised at school and organised a video to instruct others how to join the game and Panyarat High School Group and contribute to the fund by answering questions. Every student took a role in this, researching, scriptwriting, presenting, recording data or promoting.

Check out their VDO at: https://youtu.be/WZqfCgqsgtY